Wednesday 27 February 2013

Live, Love, Laugh ♥

When there is nothing good going on, everyone seems to be on your shoulders, that little black cloud won't budge from your head and it seems like everyone and everything is not going the way you want to, you feel like giving up. I have a little board with some of my favourite quotes on to help boost myself up a bit when I'm in this kind of a mood. These are my favourite ones to try and help you beautiful people feel better if your ever feeling down:

1. Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars
2. Live, Love, Laugh
3. Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile
4. Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know they are always there
5. Don't make promises when your happy and don't make decisions when your angry
6. Your smile looks so good on you, you should wear it more often
7. Impossible = I'm possible
8. Be yourself ... everyone else is taken
9. Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.
10. The best reason for having dreams is that in dreams no reasons are necessary.

Sunday 24 February 2013

17th Birthday Cake ...mmm....

As you guys know I am madly in love with baking and as my friends 17th was coming up I decided to create her a birthday cake woo! This is what I came up with.....

A Victoria sponge inside with lots of strawberry jam and buttercream ...mmm...


Thursday 21 February 2013

Beautiful Creatures Mini Review ☼

This film is about a mystical, magical girl moving into a new town and falling in love with a mortal boy and with each others love they try and fight for good and for each other. This is such a romantic 'feel good' film with snippets of comedy running through it, I actually caught myself smiling at several occasions! I didnt previously read the book but I have been told that the film was completely different but equally as good. All the main characters especially the gorgeous Alden Ehrenreich who plays Ethan Wate had exceptional acting skills his character seemed so collected and romantic all the way through. The two lovers ethan and lena are the perfect couple, so natural and at peace around each other its truly heart warming. All the actors in this movie are not typically 'beautiful' ideal drop dead gorgeous people and are not actors/actress' that we all know and recognise giving the film a new fresh quality. Ngl I highly recommend going to watch this beautifully created movie I would happily go watch it again! 5 STARS!

Tuesday 19 February 2013

20 Facts About Me ♥

1. Love socialising, went to a costume party last night 0.o
2. I'm so shy around new people but as soon as you get to know me I get a bit crazyyyy
3. I go to a R'n'B dance class every Tuesday... got a show coming up wooooo
4. Trying to teach myself how to play the guitar
5. I bake ... like alll the time anyone fancy a cake lemme know ;)
6. Such a family person go round my nana and grandads all the time
7. When I first started school I found it really hard to fit in :/
8. Love meeting and talking to new people
9. I love wearing my dads old rugby top and leggins toooo cozzyyy >.<
10. I am currently studying Biology, Chemistry, English Literature and sociology... fun times :L

11. My fave place in the world is Rome too romantic :')
12. Hate Change or people changing -.-
13. I Love hiking did my bronze and silver DofE
14. Love body boarding in Devon or Cornwall .... but with massive wavesss
15. Can't live without my Beanies!!!

16. I have one you tube video andddd got plans for many more
17. Love Romance films and romance in general :') tooooo cute ♥
18. The perfect present anyone could get me would be a tub of strawberry YooMoo ...mmm...
19. Have purple vans that never leave my side
20. Celtic supporter .... runs in the family c'mon celticccc >.<



Wednesday 13 February 2013

Valentines Day !!! -.-

Happy Valentines Day <3

My list of top 10 most romantic things ever:
1. love letters
2. roses
3. chocolates
4. picnic
5. star gazing
6. fair ground
7. home cooked meal
8. bike ride
9. walk along the beach/country
10. surprises


January Favourites ♥

So now we are all in the very chilly month of February and thought i would share with you guys my favourite things of January wooo!
YouTube - To start off with I strangely got very addicted to a youtuber called Jc Caylen. I didn't really know any American youtubers before this guy but now I watch him and all his mates they all seem to appear in each others videos and on a main channel called O2L (Our second Life). Not gunna lie really hot and oober funny. He has 4 channels that I will post the links to belowwwww .... Checkkkk themmmm out!!!!


Music - This is my January top 5:
1. Hunter Hayes - Wanted
2. Kanye West, Jay-Z, Big Sean - Clique
3. Kid Cudi - Pursuit of Happiness
4. Dj Fresh - Gold Dust
5. Ellie Goulding - Anything Could Happen

Food  - I do love food and I think my January favourite has to be foam bananas OMG I think these little bursts of amazingness have to be featured!

Also I have really taken to Bournville Dark Chocolate. As soon as you put it in your mouth it just covers everything in rich dark chocolaty yumminess :') Plus its better for you than a normal milk or plain chocolate bar as you only tend to eat a few rich succulent squares instead of a whole bar ♥

Something to try this month - is the American pop tarts everyone is talking about them and as they have only recently come into the UK everyone is going crazy!!! o.0 Might just have to buy a pack and write a whole blog page on a review ;)

Tuesday 12 February 2013

...mmm... ♥

One of the things I told you guys in my intro was that I LOVE to bake. So for today's blog I thought to create a page to show you 5 of my highlights that I created last year...mmm...
To start off with this was the cake I made for family friends it went down so well and I call it the 'Chocolate Marshmallow Dulux' ...mmm...
Next was a cheeky cheesecake project and this strawberry yumminess managed to appear >.< A white chocolate cheesecake filling with a strawberry coulis, a half dipped in milk chocolate strawberry ontop with a strawberry wall to surround the yumminess. 
Umm for the third highlight I think my Strawberry Chocolate Roulade has to come into light it was a random summer thing which was veryyyy yummy ^.^
I was asked to make a family friends 50th birthday cake, I did make everything on the cake apart from the ribbons x Sorry for bad picture, I'm not a photographer :$ 
Finallyyyyy the last of my 2013 highlights is a Dark Chocolate and Lime Heart Cheesecake for valentines Day  ♥ 


My friends 17th Birthday was coming up and she asked me to bake her a birthday cake and this is what I came up with! A two tier victoria sponge with buttercream all over and strawberry jam in the middle surrounded by white sugar paste. The cheeky blue spots where just a bonus really >.< ♥

 Just some sugar flowers I crafted at the weekend ♥


Hiya ♫♥

Well Hello,
So this is my first post and I thought I better tell you about what my blog is going to be about!
The things I am most passionate about in life are baking, socialising and music, so these are the things I am most likely to be talking about in my blogs to you guys.
Feel free at any point to ask me advice on anything that you need opinions on xxx